Ashburn Gardens, Kensington, London, SW7

£2,750 pcm | £634.62 pw  

  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 484 sqft
  • Furnished


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  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 484 sqft
  • Furnished
0207 795 6525
More Info

Ashburn Gardens, Kensington, London, SW7

£2,750 pcm | £634.62 pw

Ashburn Gardens, Kensington, London, SW7 SW7...

£2,750 pcm | £634.62 pw
One Bed One Bath Ground Floor Flat To Rent

Ashburn Gardens, Kensington, London, SW7

£2,750 pcm | £634.62 pw

  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 484 sqft
  • Furnished

Available from: 06/09/2024

  • schools

One Bed One Bath Ground Floor Flat To Rent

A spacious, recently refurbished one-bedroom flat on the raised ground floor of a period conversion, with high ceilings, and extra tall windows.

Located just moments from Gloucester Road Tube Station, this flat features a l
arge, open-plan kitchen / reception room, with large bay windows. The large double bedroom includes built-in storage space, and the bathroom in the flat is clean and modern.


Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) is payable on purchasing a property over a certain value. The amount of tax varies depending on the value of the house and the status of the buyer.

Single Property

Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £250k 0
£250k to £925k 5
£925k to £1.5m 10
rest over £1.5m 12

Additional Property

Stamp duty charges

Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £250k 3
£250k to £925k 8
£925k to £1.5m 13
rest over £1.5m 15

First Time Buyer

Purchase Price

(Enter numbers only)

Effective Rate
00.00 %
Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
less than £425k 0(5)**
£425k to £625k 5
£625k to £925k 5
£925k to £1.5m 10
rest over £1.5m 12
*If the price is over £625,000, you cannot claim the relief. Follow the rules for people who’ve bought a home before.


Wetherby School Kensington (0.25 miles)

Walk About 5 mins

S Bolton Gardens, London SW5 0DJ, UK

Bousfield Primary School (0.29 miles)

Walk About 6 mins

Our Lady of Victories Rc Primary School, 8 Clareville St, South Kensington, London SW7 5AQ, UK

Our Lady of Victories (0.32 miles)

Walk About 6 mins

125-126 Queen's Gate, South Kensington, London SW7, UK

Queen's Gate Junior School (0.35 miles)

Walk About 7 mins

17-19 Cottesmore Gardens, London W8 5PP, UK

Thomas Kensington London Day School (0.38 miles)

Walk About 8 mins

20 Penywern Rd, London SW5 9SU, UK

Falkner House Boys' School (0.39 miles)

Walk About 8 mins

35 Cromwell Rd, South Kensington, London SW7 2DH, UK

Bâtiment primaire (0.40 miles)

Walk About 8 mins

14 Harrington Rd, South Kensington, London SW7 2DX, UK

École primaire de South Kensington - Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle de Londres (0.43 miles)

Walk About 9 mins

35 Queensberry Way, South Kensington, London SW7 2JS, UK

Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle Elem (0.46 miles)

Walk About 9 mins

Warwick Rd, London SW5 9UE, UK

St Cuthbert with St Matthias Primary School (0.47 miles)

Walk About 9 mins

St Philip's Church Hall, Earls Ct Rd, London W8 6QH, UK

Kensington House Nursery School (0.54 miles)

Walk About 11 mins

47 Redcliffe Gardens, London SW10 9JH, UK

Redcliffe Gardens School (0.59 miles)

Walk About 12 mins

58 Pembroke Mews, Earls Ct Rd, London W8 6EJ, UK

St Barnabas & St Philip's Church of England Primary School (0.59 miles)

Walk About 12 mins

W8 Kensington Zimbabwe, mguza W8 7RL, UK

Mvutho Primary School (0.61 miles)

Walk About 12 mins

252 Fulham Rd., London SW10 9NA, UK

Servite RC Primary School (0.63 miles)

Walk About 13 mins

2 Kensington Church Ct, London W8 4SP, UK

St Mary Abbots Primary School (0.72 miles)

Walk About 14 mins

Bury Walk, Cale St, London SW3 6QH, UK

Oratory Roman Catholic Primary School (0.76 miles)

Walk About 15 mins

Carmelite Priory, Pitt St, London W8 4JH, UK

Little Cherubs Nursery School (0.78 miles)

Walk About 16 mins

Park Walk, London SW10 0AY, UK

Park Walk Primary School (0.85 miles)

Walk About 17 mins

205 Warwick Rd, London W14 8PU, UK

Kensington Primary Academy ( miles)

Walk About 0 mins


A spacious, recently refurbished one-bedroom flat on the raised ground floor of a period conversion, with high ceilings, and extra tall windows.

Located just moments from Gloucester Road Tube Station, this flat features a large, open-plan kitchen / reception room, with a bay window overlooking the gardens. The large double bedroom includes built-in storage space, and the bathroom in the flat is clean and modern.

Property Type : Flat



Letting classification : Short Let or Long let

Open Plan Lounge

Double Bedrooms

  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 484 sqft
  • Furnished

Available from: 06/09/2024

Property Type : Flat

1 Bedrooms

1 Bathrooms

1 Reception Rooms



Letting classification : Short Let or Long let

Open Plan Lounge

Double Bedrooms

484 Property Size (sqft)

0 Garden

0 Balcony

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